Temperament Counseling
reveals who you are deep down and what you really need and want…

Counseling is available in-person or
from the comfort of your home.

My Approach

I opted to become a Pastoral/Spiritual Counselor because the approach allows me to incorporate my clients’ religious traditions and/or spiritual beliefs as well as spiritual techniques (like meditation, grounding, etc) into my therapeutic practice in ways that traditional secular counseling does not so easily.

Religious or spiritual beliefs can serve as a bedrock on which to build understanding and from which to draw strength as the client moves toward inner peace and healing.

That’s not to say that my clients are all religious and/or spiritual because they are not. I welcome clients who are atheistic and agnostic alike.

Foundational to my work is Temperament, which is inborn and unique to each of us. Temperament goes deeper even than personality and character. It reveals our higher purpose in life and maps the way that we can be our best selves and live harmoniously with those we love. There is a spiritual aspect to Temperament because it is our innermost core. The part of us that we were born with. The aspect of ourselves that is the most authentic and genuine, you might say. Being faithful to our natural traits and tendencies is the best way to live in harmony with our environment. That way we are not pushing ourselves unnaturally or trying to force situations.

Through the use of a short online questionnaire, I’m able to identify a client’s needs, natural traits, behavioral tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. I can also determine how well Temperament aligns with their relationships across different settings and uncover which aspects of their life are not working well. This process also reveals the extent to which early trauma, be it emotional, physical or sexual, exacerbates the misalignment between Temperament and specific environments. Temperament ultimately informs how a client’s deepest needs and wants can be best met by self and others.

Why It’s Time to Try Temperament Counseling

Have you tried counseling before and found that it
didn’t really help or its effects did not last?

Temperament Counseling goes much deeper than other types of approaches in that it reveals who you really are and, as such, uncovers why you are having problems. It taps into the REAL you as you were meant to be in life! As such, there’s a spiritual quality about Temperament.

Temperament is innate - it’s your truest identify.  As mentioned earlier, it goes deeper than personality, character, old emotional blockages or current stresses.  It colors your perceptions of everything and reveals how you interact with others in your surroundings, be they a partner, child, family of origin, in-laws, friends, colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances, even strangers. 

Temperament reflects how you see yourself in the world and shapes your needs, wants, cravings, aspirations, preoccupations and deepest fears.  It fuels your expectations of self and others.  It is the way you receive and process information, and it defines your need to belong.  It also conditions whom you allow into your world. 

Temperament assesses how much you permit others to control your decisions and the extent to which you desire to influence others’ behaviors.  It defines your sense of competence, ability, effectiveness and adequacy.  And, at the deepest level, it expresses your need for attention, intimacy, vulnerability, love and approval.

Temperament Counseling is effective because: (i) it identifies the underlying causes of your emotional problems by revealing natural tendencies and behaviors, and (ii) it highlights how current life circumstances may be running counter to your deepest needs and wants.  This approach works with individuals, love partners/married couples, youth, and families as well as  premarital couples.

Becoming aware of your innermost needs and wants is the first step to opening the door to greater understanding over what makes you tick.  The next big step is to determine how your current environment is supporting or disrupting your innate tendencies and behaviors.  The final step is to align your expectations with what loved ones and surroundings can best support.

To embark on the journey of Temperament Counseling is to learn how to live a peaceful and more satisfying life.   It requires courage, commitment and an openness of heart and mind. 


Know that you are not alone on your journey. 
We are with you each step of the way.

Who Looks Outside, Dreams
Who Looks Inside, Awakes

— Carl Jung